Who are you?

I'm a guy who's been playing Minecraft since 2011. I am probably older than you. I like building houses.

What is this website?

It's a blog where I write about the houses I've built in Minecraft. Perhaps I will sometimes write about other things too. We'll see. For now, it's mainly a Minecraft blog.

Why did you make this?

I wanted to make a website, but I couldn't decide what I wanted to make a website about. If I picked something I was too passionate about, it would be too big of a commitment, you know? But if I picked something I didn't care about at all, that would be boring. Minecraft was a good choice of subject matter because it is something I enjoy a perfectly average amount.

The other reason is because I've played a lot of Minecraft but the way I engage with the game isn't the way most people do. There are a lot of game mechanics I'm not interested in. I just like building houses. I thought it would be fun to share them, and perhaps others would enjoy reading about them.

What's your post schedule?

There is no schedule. I don't always play Minecraft regularly, and sometimes I might take a break for a few months. This is normal. Don't worry about it. Come back in a while and maybe there will be a new post then.

I have something else to say! How do I contact you?

You can email me at thebogboss666@gmail.com.

The LHHL To-Do List:
• Fix bugs and edge cases in the blogging system
• Fix favicon
• Add alt text to all images
• More site themes. (Seasonal ones would be cool...)
• A comment section on posts. Maybe. I'm not sure if I really want to do this since moderating comments sucks, but I'm thinking about it.